What on earth is a PCC?

The Parochial Church Council (or PCC for short) is the group of people responsible for making strategic decisions and managing the affairs of the church. We elect members each year at the Annual Parish Meeting, normally held in April or May. Anyone on the electoral roll of the church can nominate PCC members, or be nominated. There are also co-opted members.

The PCC meet every 6-8 weeks.

As a response from our away day in 2020 the PCC formed 4 main groups to help the church work towards our goals, spreading the pool of expertise we have available beyond the PCC and so that more people are able to participate in the life of the church.

The sub-groups are evolving from feedback and experience.

As creativity and care for the environment are two cross-cutting themes which are very important to St Luke’s, each group is asked to

  • Consider the environmental impact of all activities under their scope and promote care for the environment.

  • Actively promote creativity and imaginative responses to their group’s tasks.

The PCC has agreed the following groups for the coming year:

Building Group


  • Incumbent

  • At least one of the churchwardens

  • A member of the sustainability group

  • A member of the inclusion group

  • Members of the congregation as appropriate


  • To support the churchwardens in their statutory duty to maintain the fabric of the church building.

  • To ensure that there is a maintenance programme in place for the church building.

  • To ensure that the recommendations of the quinquennial report on the fabric of the church are prioritised and that appropriate funding is in place for these works.

  • To provide support and advice as appropriate regarding repairs/redecoration and other works on the fabric of the building, ensuring that all works are: 

  • Specified to the highest standards of environmental protection and sustainability. 

  • Carried out with due regard to accessibility and inclusion.

  • To support the development of a 5-10 year plan for the church building together with a funding strategy to support this plan.

  • To support a programme of applications to the Cloudesley Trust as needed.

  • To make regular reports and recommendations to the PCC.

  • To commission works and repairs as appropriate within the spending limits agreed by the PCC

Care & Welcome Group


  • Ensure that the welcome group is confident in offering a warm welcome to all who come to our church, especially those who identify as disabled. 

  • Planning and organising events which bring the church community together, and encourage new people to join in. We are especially looking to fundraise for the church through community events.

  • Offer a range of groups for local people, whether churchgoing or not. These groups should broadly encourage health and wellbeing, and fight loneliness.

  • Encourage and nurture new churchgoers and those who are seeking spiritually.

  • Care pastorally for current members of St Luke’s community.

Community Outreach Group


  • To assist the church community to partner with, or on its own to be relevant and good news for the parish.

  • To assist, hopefully with others, to be transformative for the people of the parish

  • To use the resources of the PCC to benefit the wider parish

  • To find common ground with Islington Council on social issues

  • To provide approximate costs and potential sources of funding

  • To promote the values of inclusivity and fairness beyond our church walls

Finance Group


  • Support the Treasurer and Churchwardens to exercise their financial responsibilities

  • Support the PCC to exercise its financial accountability

Meeting Schedule & Reporting

Meet at least four times each year, ideally 2-3 weeks before each PCC meeting to enable an up-to-date report to be submitted in line with other PCC Committees the co-Chairs will complete, and the Committee approve, a highlight report and submit to the PCC Secretary


  • Presenting a budget to the PCC every year and reporting against this at each PCC meeting

  • Overseeing strong financial management and accountability including implementing recommendations from the independent examiner

  • Advising on matters of financial significance  

  • Overseeing the activities of: 

    • The Fundraising Group (not currently meeting)

    • The Charitable Giving Group (chaired by Rosie Sheldon)

Worship Group


  • To review the provision of services ensuring that they reflect the values and distinctiveness of St Luke’s 

  • To ensure that a range of services are offered to meet the needs of the worshipping community

  • To encourage and promote lay participation in leading, reading and praying (inclusion, diversity, intersectionality)

  • To ensure appropriate provision for children and young people 

Standing Committee

This is a small group created to help support and steer the church especially during this vacancy period. It consists of; Churchwardens, Associate Vicar, PCC Lay Chair, PCC Secretary, Treasurer and a PCC Member.

Each group meet in-between PCC meetings allowing the members to provide a report to the PCC. Reports will be available with the minutes of the PCC and we hope that there will be updates from time to time in the notices. Each person on the PCC is within one of these sub-groups and if you would like to know more and join a group, please do speak to a PCC member at church.

Current PCC


  • Martin Wroe – Associate Vicar


  • Jacqui Christian / 2023-2024

  • Joy Hinson / 2023-2024


PCC Members

  • Dan Brearley / 2023-2026

  • Bernadette Cagnoni / 2022-2025 – PCC Secretary

  • Sheena Cruse / 2024-2027 – Safeguarding Officer

  • Ceri Humm / 2022-2025

  • Joe Humm / 2024-2027

  • Dan Northam-Jones / 2022-2025 – Treasurer

  • Rhian Roberts / 2023-2026

  • Tara Willson / 2023-2026

Deanery Synod Representatives

  • Liz Curran / 2023-2026

  • Susie Holland / 2023-2026

  • Jonathan Ward / 2023-2026

In Attendance

  • Tina Cooney – Administrator
