St Luke's Lent Course

We're hosting five informal evening gatherings on Wednesday in Lent, asking 'Who Is Our Neighbour?' including: Who Is My Neighbour in London ? Who Is My Neighbour In the World? Who Is My Neighbour on My Street?

Each week a different member of our community at St Luke's will lead a short presentation and then we'll share our own experiences.

On our opening night, Wednesday Feb 20th, Kurt Wilson will be asking if the life and organisation of the humble honey bee has lessons for neighbourliness in the communities we share. 'Connection, communication and the spirit of the hive - who is our neighbour.'

We'll meet at 7.45 in the small hall at the side of the church, break for tea and coffee and make time to talk to each other in smaller groups about what's happening in our lives - and how we can support each other.

An Idea For Lent

'You have some money in a savings account earning virtually no interest.You decide instead that you will invest this as a series of micro-loans which will help start-up businesses in the poorest countries. Alice in Liberia needs a loan to buy flour for her bakery. Mohammed in Palestine needs a loan to buy a hoover for his car-washing business. In that savings account earning almost no interest you have £150. Each week in Lent you commit to make a loan of £25 to a different person or community around the world. By the time Lent arrives next year each of those people has repaid your loan. All the money is all back in your account. You have earned no interest on your £150 but you helped Recho in Kenya buy a motorbike and her business selling cereals has taken off. Your Lenten discipline in 2013 was to use your resources to help transform the life of someone you will never meet...'

This is one of the ideas for Lent from a talk by Martin last Sunday. If you're interested in finding out more about this idea, check out Kiva - Loans That Change Lives.

Mr Darwin's Tree

Faith, science and doubt meet as Andy Harrison becomes Charles Darwin - for one night only. Friday. 8pm £5.

Having premiered at Westminster Abbey and toured nationally and at The Edinburgh Festival, Murray Watts' one-man show, 'Mr.Darwin's Tree' featuring Andy Harrison, returns for one night only this Friday in the small hall.

Tickets £5. Running time 75 mins.

Auction Action

The auction to raise funds for the Organ Restoration and Vox Holloway's Community work was a grat success and we achieved our target.Many thanks to all involved - donors, volunteers, prformers and to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening and bought the wonderful array of lots.

All Souls Service of Remembrance

All Soul's Day is the traditional time in the church calendar when we remember our departed loved ones. This Sunday, 4th November, we hold our annual All Souls Service of Remembrance at 4pm, where we read out the names of those we have lost and miss. If you would like a name read out in the service, please contact Pat -

Auction Action - 9th November 2012 - 7 pm at St Luke's

To see the Fantastic Lots copy the link into your browser: - Tickets are now on sale - email: - Bring your friends

£15, concs. £10 – includes dinner and a glass of wine/beer; Musical Interludes, Licenced Bar - The auction is in aid of St Luke’s Organ Restoration, Vox Holloway Community Choir and St Anne and All Saints, South Lambeth